Motorcyclist Dies in Left-Hand Turn Accident

Last month, a motorcyclist was killed in a two vehicle accident in Palm Beach County. According to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, on February 10th Pedro Rendon, 49, was riding on his 2004 Honda Shadow motorcycle westbound through the intersection of Lake Worth Road and the Turnpike. A 2014 Ford Mustang was stopped in the turn lane, facing eastbound at the intersection around 10:20 p.m. The police reported that the driver of the Mustang thought his light had turned green when the straight lane light changed to green, and he made a left turn into the intersection. As he was turning, Rendon slammed into the passenger side of the car on his motorcycle and ejected him into the intersection. Rendon was pronounced dead at the scene, and the driver of the Mustang received minor injuries. The police do not believe that any drugs or alcohol was involved.
Motorcycle Accidents Involving Left-Hand Turns
Left hand turn accidents are the most common cause of motorcycle accident injuries and fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, around 53 percent of all crossing path motorcycle accidents involve left hand turns compared to only six percent involving right hand turns, and 36 percent of fatal motorcycle accidents occur because of a car making a left hand turn in front of a motorcycle. The reasons why left hand turns cause so many accidents for motorcycles are many. Oftentimes, the driver of the other vehicle is not paying attention or does not check for a motorcycle prior to making the turn. Distracted driving, such as texting or playing with the radio while making the turn can also lead to accidents.
Due to the vulnerability of a motorcyclist, the injuries sustained by motorcycle victims in left hand turn accidents are far more serious than the injuries sustained by the driver of the car, truck, or other four wheeled vehicle and can unfortunately often lead to death. The driver of the larger vehicle also usually has additional protection because in left hand turn accidents the motorcycle is more likely to strike the passenger side of the vehicle and not the driver’s side.
Some of the most common injuries sustained by motorcyclists in left hand turn accidents includes head and neck trauma, traumatic brain injury, bulging or herniated vertebrae discs, broken bones, amputated limbs, internal organ damage, nerve damage, soft tissue damage, road rash and lacerations, spinal cord damage, paralysis, and death. These injuries often take years to fully recover from or result in permanent injury for the motorcyclist victim. It is critical that you have an experienced lawyer managing your legal claims to ensure that you receive the best possible compensation for your case.
Do Not Hesitate to Call
Motorcycle accidents involving left hand turns are serious and need an experienced personal injury attorney handling the case. Call the office or contact us today at Gary Roberts & Associates to schedule a free, confidential appointment with one of our experienced West Palm Beach auto accident attorneys to learn more about the legal options for your claims.